Thursday, 1 January 2015

Wishing You a Peaceful & Beautiful 2015

Today as we start this new year, I just wanted to wish you all a very peaceful and beautiful 2015.  In a world that seems chaotic and hectic, I hope you can take time to be still.

In our house, instead of choosing a New Year's resolution, we always choose a word for the year.  This word we then apply to every area of our lives.  When we first moved to this area 5 years ago, because we were starting over, my word was "plant".  I'm also a gardener so I was planting my family, my garden, my home, etc.  For my daughter, who has a hard time completing tasks, her word one year was "finish".    I've decided my word this year is going to be "focus".  I've been having a very hard time focusing lately and want to work on this.  Other words I've had over the years have been "create", "grow", "elevate" and "turn".  I strongly recommend this for you and your family.  Make sure you write it down and revisit it now and then.

I've had a very exciting year and have really stepped out of my comfort zone.  I want to encourage you to do the same in your life and take that leap of faith.  

(Pics above are mine, taken near my home with my iPhone).

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